Release Notes
DAS Version 0.2.0
- Toolbox das-cli: 0.3.0
- hyperon-das: 0.8.0
- hyperon-das-atomdb: 0.7.0
- FaaS functions: 1.13.0
- MeTTa Parser: 0.4.0
MeTTa Parser 0.4.0
[#qe231] Fixed bug in large-arity expressions
[#47] Add support to ":" in symbol names
[#51] Add minor features to das-cli and update documentation
das-cli --version
das-cli update-version [--version] (defaulted to newest version)
Rename das-cli server to das-cli db
das-cli db restart
das-cli faas restart
Remove parameter --path in das-cli metta load and das-cli metta validate and get the input file as a required parameter.
Rename das-cli metta validate to das-cli metta check.
das-cli server start should sleep for a couple of seconds after finishing the startup of DB containers
Show progress bar printed by the metta parser binaries (db_loader and syntax_check) when executing das-cli metta load and das-cli metta validate
Change message showing default version of the running function to show the actual version number.
Add a das-cli logs das to follow the DAS log das.log
Add das-cli jupyter-notebook start start a jupyter-notebook server running with all required dependencies to use hyperon-das.
Adjust runtime messages for das-cli example local and das-cli example faas. Both show python commands
das-cli faas update-version [--version]
das-cli faas --version
das-cli python-library version: show currently installed and newest available versions of both, hyperon-das and hyperon-das-atomdb
das-cli python-library update. Update hyperon-das to the newest available version. As a consequence, hyperon-das-atomdb should be updated to the proper required version as well.
das-cli python-library set --hyperon-das 0.4.0 --hyperon-das-atomdb 0.8.2 Allow setting specific versions for both libraries
das-cli python-library list by default, list all major/minor versions of hyperon-das and hyperon-das-atomdb. There should have optional parameters --show-patches and --library <xxx>
Add a new command to see release notes of specific version of specific package or lib. das-cli release-notes.
[#62] Remove example python files for local/remote DAS in das-cli examples
[#59] Fix das-cli --version output message
[#43] Improve DAS CLI Manual
[#69] Minor das-cli fixes
Updated das-cli metta check/load output to only display db_load and syntax_check outputs.
Modified das-cli faas update-version output to provide both old and new version information and advise callers to use das-cli faas restart to update a running faas server and also warns if no newer version is available.
Applied changes to the das-cli update-version command output to provide both old and new version information and also warns if no newer version is available.
Removed references to the example files and, as well as the files themselves.
Reviewed "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" error
Added support for non-Ubuntu-based distributions to utilize the update-version command. Note that this command was developed and primarily tested on Ubuntu distributions.
[#73] das-cli python-library version is raising an error
[#76] Put version number in openfaas docker image name
[#75] Enable the configuration of a Redis cluster instead of maintaining only a standalone instance
[#87] Configuration of a Mongodb cluster instead of maintaining only a standalone instance
hyperon-das-atomdb 0.7.0
[#127] Create bulk_insert() in Adapters
[#132] Fix bug in create_field_index() method
[das-query-engine#223] Update log messages
[#129] Create a new adapter called PostgresLobeDB
[das-query-engine#214] Add retrieve_all_atoms method
[#124] Changed count_atoms() to return more accurate numbers
[das-query-engine#197] Changed get_all_links() to return a tuple
[#142] Changed add_link() and add_node() to work with get_atom returns
[das-query-engine#114] Changed commit() to receive buffer as a kwargs parameter
[#63] Changed MongoFieldNames to FieldNames and placed it generally for all adapters
[das#45] Round 1 - Initial refactoring of RAM Only DAS
[#46] Add support for MongoDB indexes
[#153] Refactoring create index
hyperon-das 0.8.0
[#201] Implement fetch() in the DAS API
[#223] Updates in docstrings and logging messages
[#210] Improve message error when connecting to the server
[#214] Improve fetch() method to optionally fetch all the atoms
[#241] Fix tests
[#213] Add TraverseEngine to API documentation
[#114] Persist new atoms in remote server
[#216] Changed design for custom filters in TraverseEngine
[#229] Improve error handler
[#218] Make a DAS server read-only
[#223] Updated kwargs documentation
[#268] Adding performance tests in MeTTa
[#268] enhancing perf tests script, added results comparison
[#276] API support to AtomDB new queries
FaaS functions 1.13.0
[#100] Add fetch. New Action
[#113] Add create_context command in query-engine function
DAS Version 0.1.0
- hyperon-das: 0.7.0
- hyperon-das-atomdb: 0.6.0
- FaaS functions: 1.12.0
- MeTTa Parser: 0.3.0
- Toolbox das-cli: 0.2.0
hyperon-das 0.7.0
[#180] Fix in the integration test
[#136] Implement methods in the DAS API to create indexes in the database
[#BUGFIX] Fix Mock in unit tests
[#90] OpenFaas is not serializing/deserializing query answers
[#190] Implement custom_query() method in DAS API
[#184] Fix bug that prevented DAS from answering nested queries properly
[#202] Fix tests after adding complex typedef expressions
[BUGFIX] Fix tests to compare dicts using only commom keys
hyperon-das-atomdb 0.6.0
[#112] Fix return of the functions get_matched_links(), get_incoming_links(), get_matched_type_template(), get_matched_type() from set to list
[#114] Add create_field_index() to RedisMongoDB adapter
[#120] Refactor Collections in RedisMongoDB adapter
[#118] Create a new set in Redis to save custom index filters
FaaS functions 1.12.0
[#57] Enable Running Integration Tests Locally with AtomDB Source Code and Local Query Engine
[#62] Create integration tests for get_incoming_links
[#64] Shutdown containers before run tests
[#90] OpenFaas is not serializing/deserializing query answers
[#97] Add custom_query() and update create_field_index()
MeTTa Parser 0.3.0
[#36] Add support for comments and escaped characters in literals and symbol names
[#39] Add support for empty expressions
[das-query-engine#192] Add support to complex type definitions in DAS MeTTa parser.
[das-atom-db#120] Refactor collection in MongoDB
[#43] Bugfix - BSON data being corrupted after implementation of complext typedef expressions
[#44] das-cli faas start should have optional parameters
[#45] Fix DAS-CLI metta loader container
[#41] Developing a DAS CLI Manual Using the 'man' Command
[#30] Publish debian package to a package manager
[#32] Optimizing user feedback and experience for scripts
[#33] Remove poc loader
[#28] Generate Debian package
[#27] When you type 'server stop,' only shut down the server
[das-metta-parser/#36] Add support for comments and escaped characters in literals and symbol names
Change MeTTa parser version to 0.2.4