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Developer Guidelines


General guidelines and suggestions while working on DAS repositories.

Pull Requests

Pull Requests (PRs) are crucial for collaboration in software development. A well-crafted PR title helps reviewers understand the purpose and scope of your changes quickly. This guide outlines best practices for creating clear and informative Pull Requests.

While not currently enforced, we do want to link all PR's with it's own tracking issue at the DAS Board

Guidelines for PR Titles

  1. Format: Use the format [#issue] Concise, self-contained, explanatory title.
  2. Include Issue References: Always reference the associated issue number in the PR title. This links the PR to the relevant discussion or task in our tasks dashboard.
  3. Conciseness: Keep the title succinct while conveying the essence of the change. Avoid unnecessary details.

  4. Self-contained Explanation: Ensure the title provides enough context to understand the changes without needing to delve into the PR description immediately.

  5. Clarity and Specificity: Clearly describe what the PR accomplishes. Use specific terms related to functionality, bug fixes, or enhancements.

  6. Review Before Submitting: Double-check your title to ensure it accurately reflects the content and purpose of your changes.

  7. Think from the Reviewer's Perspective: Imagine you are reviewing the PR—what information would you need from the title to understand the changes quickly?

  8. Examples:

    • [#234] Refactor authentication service for improved performance
    • [#890] Fix issue with date formatting in event calendar

Clear and informative PR titles help streamline the review process and ensure that changes are understood and integrated smoothly.

Handling EPIC Issues

To ensure proper management and tracking of EPIC issues on GitHub, follow these guidelines:

  1. Labeling EPIC Issues: Add the EPIC label whenever creating an epic issue.
  2. Mandatory Text in EPIC Issues: Include the following mandatory text in the epic issue description: ``` EPIC

  3. ... ```

  4. Here is an example of an epic issue:


By following these guidelines, you can significantly improve communication and efficiency within our development team.