Distributed Atomspace - Overview
Atomspace is the hypergraph OpenCog Hyperon uses to represent and store knowledge, being the source of knowledge for AI agents and the container of any computational result that might be created or achieved during their execution.
The Distributed Atomspace (DAS) is an extension of OpenCog Hyperon's Atomspace into a more independent component designed to support multiple simultaneous connections with different AI algorithms, providing a flexible query interface to distributed knowledge bases. It can be used as a component (e.g. a Python library) or as a stand-alone server to store essentially arbitrarily large knowledge bases and provide means for the agents to traverse regions of the hypergraphs and perform global queries involving properties, connectivity, subgraph topology, etc.
DAS can be understood as a persistence layer for knowledge bases used in OpenCog Hyperon.
The data manipulation API provides a defined set of operations without exposing database details such as data modeling and the DBMS (Database Management System) being used. This is important because it allows us to evolve the data model inside DAS and even change the DBMS without affecting the integration with the AI agents.
But being an abstraction for the data model is not the only purpose of DAS. While performing this connection between AI agents and the knowledge bases, DAS provides a lot of other functionalities:
- Higher level indexes stored in the DBMS
- Query engine with pattern matching capabilities
- Traverse engine to keep track of hypergraph traversal
- Cache for query results
- Scalable connection manager to connect the DAS with multiple other DASs
This is why DAS is not just a Data Access Object or a database interface layer but rather a more complex OpenCog Hyperon's component that abstracts not only data modeling/access itself but also several other algorithms that are closely related to the way AI agents manipulate information.
Table of contents
- DAS Components
- Higher Level Indexing
- Pattern Matcher
- Mapping knowledge bases to nodes and links
- DAS Server Deployment and Architecture
DAS Components
DAS is delivered as a Python library hyperon-das which can be used in two different ways:
- To create a DAS server which is supposed to contain a knowledge base and provide it to many remote clients (somehow like a DBMS).
- To instantiate a DAS in a Python program which can store a smaller local knowledge base and can, optionally, connect to one or more remote DAS servers, exposing their contents to the local program. In this case, the local knowledge base can store its contents in RAM or can use a DB backend to persist it.
Components in the DAS architecture are designed to provide the same data manipulation API regardless of whether it's being used locally or remotely or, in the case of a local DAS, whether DB persistence is being used or not.
Part of this API is delegated to Traverse Engine, which interacts with the Query Engine and the Cache to provide means to the user to traverse the Atomspace hypergraph. Operations like finding the links pointing from/to a given atom or finding atoms in the surrounding neighborhood are performed by this engine, which controls the pre-fetching of the surrounding atoms when a remote DAS is being used, in such a way that following links can be done quickly.
The Query Engine is where global queries are processed. These are queries for specific atoms or sets of atoms that satisfies some criteria, including pattern matching. When making a query, the user can specify whether only local atoms should be considered or whether atoms in remote DASs should be searched as well. If that's the case, the Query Engine connects to the remote OpenFaaS servers to make the queries in the remote DASs and return a answer which is a proper combination of local and remote information. For instance, if there're different versions of the same atom in local and one of the remote DASs, the local version is returned.
Both engines use the Cache in order to make queries involving a remote DAS faster. The DAS' cache is not exactly like a traditional cache, where data is stored basically in the same way in both, the cache and the primary data repository, and queries are answered by searching the data in the former and then in the latter. The DAS's cache implements this functionality but it also sorts and partitions queries' results in such a way that the caller sees the most relevant results first.
All the queries that return more than one atom, return an iterator to the results instead of the results themselves. This way only a subset of the results are returned in a remote query. When the caller iterates through this iterator, other chunks of results are fetched on demand from the remote DAS until all the results have been visited. Before splitting the results in chunks, the resulting atoms are sorted by "relevance", which can be a measure based in atoms' Short and Long Term Importance (STI and LTI), in a way that the most relevant results are iterated first. This is important because most AI agents make several queries and visit the results in a combinatorial fashion so visiting every single possible combination of results are not practical. Having results sorted by relevance allow the agents to constraint the search and eventually avoid fetching too many chunks of results from the remote server.
The AtomDB is somehow like a Data Access Object or a database interface layer to abstract the calls to the database where atoms are actually stored. Having this abstraction is important because it allows us to change or to extend the actual data storage without affecting the query algorithms (such as pattern matching) implemented in traverse and query engines. AtomDB can be backended by in-RAM data structures or one or more DBMSs.
Higher Level Indexing
DAS uses a DBMS to store atoms. By doing so it uses the indexing capabilities of this DBMS to retrieve atoms faster. But in addition to this, DAS also creates other custom indexes and stores these indexes in another DBMS. The most relevant of such indexes is the Pattern Inverted Index.
An inverted index is a data structure which stores a map from contents (words, sentences, numbers, etc) to where they can be found in a given data container (database, file system etc).
This type of data structure is largely used in document retrieval systems to implement efficient search engines. The idea is spending computational time when documents are inserted in the document base to index and record the words that appear in each document (and possibly the position they happen inside the documents). Afterwards this index can be used by the search engine to efficiently locate documents that contain a given set of keywords.
The entities in the Opencog Hyperon's context are different from the ones in typical document retrieval systems but their roles and the general idea of the algorithms are very similar. In OpenCog Hyperon's context, a knowledge base is a set of toplevel links (which may point to nodes or to other links). When the knowledge base is loaded, we can create an inverted index of patterns present in each toplevel link and use such index later to perform pattern matching.
For instance, given as toplevel link like this one:
<Concept A>
<Concept B>
We could add entries like these ones in the Pattern Inverted Index (where H1
is the handle of the toplevel link above):
Inherits * <Concept B> ==> H1
Inherits <Concept A> * ==> H1
Inherits * * ==> H1
Pattern Matcher
DAS' query engine can answer pattern matching queries. These are queries where the caller specifies a pattern i.e. a boolean expression of subgraphs with nodes, links and wildcards and the engine finds every subgraph in the knowledge base that satisfies the passed expression.
For instance, suppose we have the following knowledge base in DAS.
We could search for a pattern like:
Similar(V1, V2)
IS_A(V1, V3)
IS_A(V2, V3)
, V2
and V3
are wildcards or variables. In any candidate subgraph
answer, the atom replacing V1
, for instance, should be the same in all the
links where V1
appears. In other words, with this pattern we are searching
for two nodes V1
and V2
such that there exist a similarity link between
them but there's no pair of inheritance links pointing V1
and V2
to the
same node V3
, no matter the value of V3
In this example, Chimp
and Human
are not a suitable answer to replace V1
and V2
because there's a possible value for V3
that satisfies the AND
clause in the pattern, as shown below.
On the other hand, there are other pair of nodes which could be used to match
and V2
whitout matching the AND
clause, as shown below.
The answer for the query is all the subgraphs that satisfy the pattern. In our example, the answer would be as follows.
Mapping knowledge bases to nodes and links
Before loading a knowledge base into DAS, you need to define a proper mapping to Atomspace nodes and links. DAS doesn't make any assumptions regarding nodes or link types, arity etc. When adding nodes and links using DAS' API, one may specify atom types freely and the semantic meaning of such atom types are totally concerned with the application. DAS don't make any kind of processing based in pre-defined types (actually, there are no internally pre-defined atom types).
DAS also doesn't provide a way to read a text or SQL or whatever type of file in order to load a knowledge base. There's no DAS-defined file syntax for this. If one needs to import a knowledge base, it needs to provide a proper loader application to parse the input file(s) and make the proper calls to DAS' API in order to add nodes and links.
Surely one of the interesting topics for future/on-going work on DAS is to provide loaders (and respective nodes/links mapping) for different types of knowledge base formats like SQL, Atomese, etc. We already have such a loader for MeTTa files.
DAS Server Deployment and Architecture
DAS server is deployed in a Lambda Architecture based either in OpenFaaS or AWS Lambda. We made a comparative study of these two architectures (results are presented in this report) and decided to prioritize OpenFaaS. Although deployment in AWS Lambda is still possible, currently only OpenFaaS is supported by our automated deployment tool. This architecture is presented in the diagram below.
When deploying in AWS Lambda, Redis and MongoDB can be replaced by AWS' DocumentDB and ElastiCache but the overall structure is basically the same.
Functions are deployed in servers in the cloud as Docker containers, built in our CI/CD pipeline by automated GitHub Actions scripts and stored in a private Docker hub registry.
Clients can connect using HTTP, gRPC or an external lambda functions (OpenFaaS functions can only connect to OpenFaaS and the same is true for AWS functions).
DAS is versioned and released as a library in PyPI.