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Traverse Engine


Update the current cursor by following the first of the neighbors that points to the current cursor. Possible use cases to filter parameter: a. traverse.get_neighbors(..., filter=custom_filter) -> The custom_filter will be applied to Links b. traverse.get_neighbors(..., filter=(custom_filter1, custom_filter2)) -> The custom_filter1 will be applied to Links and custom_filter2 will be applied to Targets c. traverse.get_neighbors(..., filter=(None, custom_filter2)) -> The custom_filter2 will only be applied to Targets. This way there is no filter to Links d. traverse.get_neighbors(..., filter=(custom_filter1, None)) -> The custom_filter1 will be applied to Links. This case is equal case a

Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
link_type str

Filter links if named_type matches with this parameter.

cursor_position int

Sets the position of the cursor, return the links after this position.

target_type str

Filter links if one of the targets matches with this parameter.

filter tuple(Callable[[Dict], bool], Callable[[Dict], bool])

Tuple containing filter function for links at pos 0 and filter function for targets at pos 1. Used to filter the results after applying all other filters.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: The current cursor. A Python dict with all atom data.


Returns the current cursor.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: The current cursor. A Python dict with all atom data.

Returns all links that have the current cursor as one of their targets, that is, any links that point to the cursor.

Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
link_type str

Filter links if named_type matches with this parameter.

cursor_position int

Sets the position of the cursor, return the links after this position.

target_type str

Filter links if one of the targets matches with this parameter.

filter Callable[[Dict], bool]

Function used to filter the results after applying all other filters.

chunk_size int

Chunk size. Defaults to 500.


Name Type Description
Iterator Iterator

An iterator that contains the links that match the criteria.


>>> def has_score(atom):
        if 'score' in atom and score > 0.5:
            return True
        return False
>>> links = traverse_engine.get_links(
>>> next(links)


Get all of "neighbors" that pointing to current cursor. Possible use cases to filter parameter: a. traverse.get_neighbors(..., filter=custom_filter) -> The custom_filter will be applied to Links b. traverse.get_neighbors(..., filter=(custom_filter1, custom_filter2)) -> The custom_filter1 will be applied to Links and custom_filter2 will be applied to Targets c. traverse.get_neighbors(..., filter=(None, custom_filter2)) -> The custom_filter2 will only be applied to Targets. This way there is no filter to Links d. traverse.get_neighbors(..., filter=(custom_filter1, None)) -> The custom_filter1 will be applied to Links. This case is equal case a

Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
link_type str

Filter links if named_type matches with this parameter.

cursor_position int

Sets the position of the cursor, return the links after this position.

target_type str

Filter links if one of the targets matches with this parameter.

filter tuple(Callable[[Dict], bool], Callable[[Dict], bool])

Tuple containing filter function for links at pos 0 and filter function for targets at pos 1. Used to filter the results after applying all other filters.


Name Type Description
Iterator Iterator

An iterator that contains the neighbors that match the criteria.


>>> neighbors = traverse_engine.get_neighbors(
        filter=(link_filter, target_filter)
>>> next(neighbors)


Reset current cursor to the passed handle.


Name Type Description Default
handle str

The handle of the atom to go to.



Type Description

If the corresponding atom doesn't exist.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: The current cursor. A Python dict with all atom data.


>>> traverse_engine.goto('asd1234567890')
>>> {
        'handle': 'asd1234567890',
        'type': 'AI,
        'composite_type_hash': 'd99asd1234567890',
        'name': 'snet',
        'named_type': 'AI'